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IntegrAted SolutioNs for DecarbOnisation and Smartification of Islands


There are more than 2,700 islands all over Europe and every island has its own conditions. That is why the IANOS project focuses on tailor-made solutions.  The islands of Ameland (Netherlands) and Terceira (Portugal) will serve as “pilot islands” and three “Fellow Islands” will validate the replicability potential of the results of the pilot islands. IANOS adapts Artificial Intelligence solutions and innovative tools to support greener investments based on the conviction that people are active players in the energy system.


Each European island plays an important role in the transition away from fossil fuels towards a cleaner energy and has its own conditions, depending on its geographic location, (political) regulations, and infrastructure. The islands are promoted as platforms for pilot initiatives on clean energy transition to be showcased as success stories at international level. Each island has its own specific energy-related challenges. The IANOS project contributes to solving these challenges.


The IANOS project consortium consists of 35 partners from 10 European countries: Portugal, Finland, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy, France, French Polynesia, Greece, Spain and Belgium. 

Benefits for
EU Community

IANOS focuses on maximum provision and utilisation of flexibility and self-sufficiency through the use of distributed renewable energy and storage technologies. IANOS streamlines the decision-making process towards tailor-made solutions taking into account the specific conditions of islands through the Island Energy Planning and Transition Suite and artificial intelligence based virtual power plant. In this way, IANOS will demonstrate a rich portfolio of solutions towards full decarbonisation, increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix and exploiting the resources of islands.

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