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EU Green Week partner event

From waste to grid: re-using resources to achieve energy independence on islands
June 3, 2021
 - 14:00 Brussels Time (CEST)

Location: Online, Teams event*

About the event

Geographical islands face often (energy) constraints and resources limitations. But, European islands can play an essential role in Europe’s energy transition, especially considering efficient (re)use of resources. In this webinar, representatives from Horizon 2020 funded projects ROBINSON (GA 957752) and IANOS (GA 957810) will illustrate how, thanks to innovative technologies, they will help islands re-use their waste and unused resources to improve their carbon footprint and energy security. More specifically, the speakers will showcase two technologies developed in the projects:

  • ROBINSON: AD+BES technology that will allow Eigerøy, but also other islands, to repurpose their industrial biological waste to produce biomethane, so diminishing CO2 emissions while increasing energy security;
  • IANOS: the bio-technology called Autogenerative High Pressure Digestion (AHPD), which will convert sewage, swill and other organic waste into green Natural Gas (CH4), and it can be used directly or injected at a later moment in the grid.

Finally, the webinar will also feature a speaker from Aurelia Turbines, small-turbines developer, which will focus on technologies able to leverage those gasses to respond to the energetic needs of islands and communities.


Ugo Simeoni, ETN Global – ROBINSON project
ROBINSON: smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands

Nikolaos Nikolopoulos, CERTH – IANOS project

IANOS: Integrated solutions for decarbonisation and smartification of islands

Thomas Bebis, CERTH – IANOS project
Waste valorisation through Autogenerative High Pressure Digestion (AHPD) technology

Daniele Molognoni, LEITAT – ROBINSON project
Waste valorisation through Anaerobic Digestion Assisted by Bio-Electrochemical System (AD+BES) technology

Tony Hynes, Aurelia Turbines – ROBINSON project
Gas turbines’ role in the decarbonisation of the energy system

F. Peccianti, RINA Consulting

* Please be aware that this is a live web-streaming event organised on Microsoft TEAMS: video recording and photography will be taking place during the webinar. By registering to the event, you agree that your name and affiliation, as well as footage or images of you, taken in the natural course of proceedings, may be published in the context of the event.

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