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IANOS Energy Planning and decision-making Toolkit

March 15, 2022
 - 17:00

The IANOS Energy Planning and decision-making Toolkit (IEPT) will be developed to assist the decarbonisation and smartification of the pilot islands. IEPT will constitute as a holistic tool able to evaluate the overall benefits expected from clean energy/smart grid interventions, from various perspectives, based on the viewpoint from each stakeholder (Municipality, DSO, community representatives, etc.). This will be pre-validated by evaluating the islands use cases for their sustainability, scalability, and replicability potential.

The different modules that will be integrated under a unified concept are:

  • A dedicated web platform for LCA/LCC studies

Environmental and economic analyses are expected through the computation of emissions extracted (life cycle environmental footprint), which depend on the technology applied in the grid and type of fuel mixture used to generate energy in the pilot islands.

  • An equity crowdfunding tool

This tool will create a crowd-equity (or crowdfunding) platform, where actors (i.e., project investors, islanders, other key stakeholders) will be able to register their foreseen projects and set a funding goal in return for equity, creating a fundraising campaign.

  • Energy System Simulator (ESSIM) system modeler

This tool simulates network balancing and the effects thereof, in an interconnected hybrid energy system over a period.

  • INTegrated Energy Management (INTEMA) Simulator

This is an energy system modeling and simulation platform, based on open-source non-proprietary tools.

  • A Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA) tool

The CBA tool will be based on the ENTSO-e CBA which considers the activities and vision of the various stakeholders, select factors of interest and calculates relative KPIs necessary for setting strategic priorities, aligning horizontally in all cases with the priorities set by the Green Deal.

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