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Publication of a new White Paper: “The Replication of Islands Decarbonisation Initiatives”

November 20, 2023
 - 12:00

New white paper published

A new white paper is now available online! The IANOS H2020 project, in collaboration with several other H2020 projects including ROBINSON, GIFT, INSULAE, ISLANDER, MAESHA, NESOI, REACT, Soclimpact, and VPP4ISLANDS, has published “The Replication of Islands Decarbonisation Initiatives.”

This joint document aims to raise awareness about the challenges and opportunities in replicating island decarbonisation initiatives. It provides key regulatory, socioeconomic, and technical recommendations to support these efforts.

The replication of decarbonisation projects is essential for achieving the European Commission’s climate goals for 2030 and 2050. The combined expertise of these ten H2020 projects offers solutions for developing cost-efficient, flexible, and secure energy systems.

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